Things to celebrate & share, even if they're no longer for sale.
Personal photograph album and scrapbook of 1950s bodybuilder Alex Pilin
[vernacular photography, physique photos, physical culture, bodybuilding]
Major's Panorama of the Alphabet
Momberger, William [ABC, juvenile]
1892 Kindergarten Teacher's Album of Pricking and Sewing (Froebel Gifts 11 & 12)
[Froebel Gifts; Kindergarten album]
Paper Cutting (student album of kindergarten work, Froebel Gift #13)
[Froebel album, student work]
Archive of 18 manuscript weaving pattern drafts by a woman in Texas, ca. 1840-1860s
[manuscript, textiles, weaving]
Album de Pliages et de Tissages / Pliage Froebel 1792-1852
[Froebel, student work]
The Theory of Color in Its Relation to Art and Art-Industry
Bezold, Wilhelm von; Edward C. Pickering, S. R. Koehler (trans.)
Sammelband of Seven [7] Facetiae or jeux d’esprits published by the “Thief,” William Kidd, London, 1830s.
[humor, publishing]
San Diego Normal School student's binder of manuscript notes, construction examples & Milton Bradley samples, ca. 1913-1917 (incl. 1913 Kindergarten Supplies catalog)
Sloan, Gladys [teaching ephemera, sample books, Milton Bradley]
Touch and Guess: A game, a book, of things to touch from pith to lead
(Ilonka Karasz, games)
Box 13 Associates Album of Photographs and News Clippings, Cincinnati Fire Department 1930s-1950s
[firefighting, emergency response, disaster photography]
1871 Draughtsman's Alphabets. A Series of Plain and Ornamental Alphabets Designed especially for Engineers, Architects, Draughtsmen, Engraves, Painters &c.
Esser, Hermann
Tissage! 1916 Manuel Pratique [album of paper weaving]
[industrial arts, manual training]
故實叢書: Rekisei fukushoku kō / Thoughts on Historical Clothing (5 volumes)
Tanaka Naofusa 田中直房
Collection of 30 "Little quilt hands I made, 1931-1932"
[folk art]
Album of 50+ Froebel Gifts - paper weaving, decorative stitching, embroidery patterns
[Froebel kindergarten album]
Illustrated manuscript by a 15-year-old orphan at the Monastery of St. Claire in Aurillac, France
[manuscript, calligraphy]
Collection of 22 woven paper pockets and heart-in-hand love tokens, ca. 1927
Three writings by Hannah M. Beal, a girl who has been taught some things about dying, ca. 1853-1862
[correspondence, ALS]
Der praktische Familien-Färber: enthaltend alle gebräuchlichen Färbereien, für Wolle, Baumwolle, Leinen, Seide, Tuch, Kleidungsstücke u.f.w. Nebst einem Anhang von Rezepten für Seise, Tinte u.
Kuder, Salomon [Solomon]
Arnold, Arnold F. [games, art education]
Progressive Architecture Manifesto [cover title: one, two, three]
Biltin Toker
Dick's Book of Alphabets Plain and Ornamental: Containing Elegant Ancient And Modern Designs For Plain And Fanciful Alphabets, Numerals And Illuminated Initial Letters For The Use Of Architects, Decorators, Designers, Draughtsmen &c
[lettering, alphabets]
A young woman’s illustrated letter to her sister in a birch bark booklet
[manuscript letter]
Cours d'arpentage - 1861 Illustrated manuscript course notebook
Joseph Lafay
Alphabet & Kindergarten Building Blocks
[educational toys, alphabet blocks]
Home Economics class portfolio, household accounting and textiles
[vocational education, manual training, student work]
Crochet Lace & Tatting Album by Hazel L. Broman (1899-1982)
[textiles, sewing album]
Compositional design and color theory drawings
[made by hand]
Kokon Meibutsu Ruiju - Meibutsugire no bu
[textiles, decorative arts] Matsudaira Harusato (Fumai)
Commonplace book belonging to Griselda Eastwicke Cunningham (1810-1873), granddaughter of the “American Sappho,” Sarah Wentworth Apthorp Morton.
裁縫教科書 渡邉辰五郎編纂 / Saihō no kyōkasho (Sewing Textbook, 3 volumes)
Tatsugoro Watanabe 渡辺辰五郎 [sewing ephemera, vocational training]
Eckels Anatomical Aid, with original chart drawings (Heirloom anatomy guides from a family of undertakers)
Eckels, H. S. [Howard Samuel]
Peter Puzzlewig's Comic Round Game of Alliteration (Alliteration; or, a Prime Plan and Merry Method of producing a Plain and Perfect Pronunciation) ABC card game
[juvenile, ABC]
The First School Year in Drawing: A Series of Stigmographical Exercises.
Forbriger, Arthur (1832-1878)
Elementi Di Fisica, Parte Prima + Parte Seconda
Crivelli, Giovanni I. (1691-1743)
"Stunts" scrapbook by Indiana PA Normal School graduate Marjorie Nix, 1918-1921 ("Love is Love")
[scrapbooks, women, LGBTQ+]
A passionate friendship booklet of obscure and ominous circumstances. Chester County, Pennsylvania, ca. 1860.
[manuscript friendship booklet, sapphic love token]
Mechanical Drawing [Ohio - University Athens, Ohio]
Hastings, S. M. [Stanley Miller, 1889-1961]
Cours de Travail Manuel (Pour les Garçons)
Planty, A.