Things to celebrate & share, even if they're no longer for sale.
First Annual Report of the Board of Education, First Annual Report of the Secretary of the Board (Senate No. 26) [with] ...On the Subject of School Houses, Supplementary (No. 80, 1838)
Mann, Horace
Specimen Book of Gilt Embossed Labels for Hats and Leather Goods
[specimen book]
Ames' Alphabets : adapted to the use of architects, engravers, engineers, artists, sign painters, draughtsmen, &c.
Ames, Daniel T.
Wild Flower Note Book (Herbarium)
[herbarium, botanical notebook]
Bibliothèque des Merveilles: Les Couleurs
Guignet, Charles-Ernest (1829-1906)
Fitch Number Cards (Milton Bradley #8019)
(Milton Bradley Co.; Joshua Girling Fitch) [learning aids, educational ephemera]
Hand Blocked Colored Prints of the Gay 90’s. [Boxed linen cocktail napkin set]
Haec City / Also Books
Patterns for Turning: Comprising Elliptical and Other Figures Cut on the Lathe Without the Use of Any Ornamental Chuck
Elphinstone, H. W. (Sir Howard Warburton)
An Easy Guide to the Constellations, with a Miniature Atlas of the Stars and Key Maps
Gall, James Jun.
Weaving for the Little Folks
Milton Bradley Co. [Kindergarten Material, Froebel Gifts]
Box of 51 nature specimen cards compiled by pharmacy student Howard C. Burns
[medicine, herbarium]
Kansas child's book full of 90+ airplane and automobile drawings
[original art, juvenile]
Beacon Phonetic Chart [with] The Beacon Primer
Fassett, James H. [teaching aids, educational ephemera]
Mother [Goose] in Hieroglyphics
[Appleton, George S.]
Primary Methods: A complete and methodical presentation of the use of kindergarten material in the work of the primary school
Hailmann, W. N. (William Nicholas)
"The young carmelite" Ornate pen and ink drawing (19c France)
[original drawing, penwork, lettering]
White's Primary School Drawing Cards
Smith, H. P. [drawing, art education, educational ephemera]
L'Impression des Tissus de Coton: Blanchiment - Impression - Teinture. Atlas.
Sansone, Antonio; J. A. Montpellier (trans.)
Paper and Press Illustrated Monthly, July-December 1894
[graphic arts, printing] W. M Patton (ed.), Otto Zahn, E. Bosquet, Max Levy, Paul Adam, Bruno Meyer, et al.
The Kindergarten and the School by Four Active Workers
Peabody, Mary H.; Anne L. Page, Angeline Brooks, and Alice H. Putnam ["Four Active Workers"]
Michigan State Industries Catalog of Products for State Departments, Institutions and Political Subdivision (State of Michigan Department of Corrections Division of Prison Industries)
[prison labor catalog]
The Practical Draughtsman's Book of Industrial Design, and Machinist's and Engineer's Drawing Companion: Forming a Complete Course of Mechanical, Engineering, and Architectural Drawing
Armengaud, Jacques-Eugène; Johnson, William (trans.)
Ornamental penwork alphabet, 19c France
Couture album of sewing classwork, France 1953-1954
[student work, sewing ephemera, textiles]
Stub book of burial removal permits for bodies expired and transported on a Western PA section of the Pennsylvania Railroad, 1906-1909
[ephemera, Americana]
PERSPECTOGRAPH (Milton Bradley perspective drawing apparatus)
Brownjohn, Earl [Brown John]
Drawing for Young Children: Containing One Hundred and Fifty Drawing Copies and Numerous Exercises
[Grant, Horace]
My Own Kenmore Sewing Scrap Book
[machine sewing notebook]
1918 Map of the Waterfront, San Francisco, California (blueprint)
Color in the School-Room. A Manual for Teachers.
Bradley, Milton
Pittsburgh Student Sketch Book, Drawing and Drafting Exercises, ca. 1900
[sketchbook, student work]
The Crystallography of Hemoglobins.
Reichert, Edward Tyson; Amos Peaslee Brown
India's Millions
Khan, A. D.; E. E. Byrum (intro.)
1920s Kyoritsu Women's Vocational School Sewing Textbook
[sewing ephemera, vocational training]
Home-fashioned notebook of crocheted lace & tatting specimens, France ca. 1900-1920
[sewing ephemera, textiles, folk art]
Physical Culture and Self-Defense
Fitzsimmons, Robert
Scientific Billiards. Garnier's Practice Shots, with hints to Amateurs
Garnier, Albert
Bradley's Self-Verifying Phonetic Cards (Milton Bradley #8266)
Nellie Troidl; Milton Bradley [teaching aids, educational ephemera]
The A, B, C, Book, with Pictures of Birds (cover title: Pictured Alphabet)
Butler, J. H. [juvenile, alphabet, chapbook, ABC]
Logic for Young Ladies
Doublet, Victor