The Miracle That Saved Me From the Electric Chair; or My Jail Experience
Lowman, J. W[arren]
Regular price $100.00
Address to the Citizens of Boston and Vicinity on the Subject of a Rural Cemetery
[funeral industry, ephemera]
Regular price $50.00
1896 Girl's letter to her baby sister, whom she thought "would enjoy tearing it up"
[sisters, correspondence]
Undertaker's love letter, full of red flags
[love, correspondence]
U.S. Forest Service photographs of training for smokejumpers
[photographs] Steuerwald, W. E.; US National Forest Service
Two photographs of a parachute jumper
Regular price $35.00
Memorial Designs: The Guy Line (cover title) with related ephemera
[funeral trade, advertising] Guy Memorial Design Co.
Photographs and price lists for AFCO granite headstones ca. 1956-1964 Anderson-Friberg Co.
[funeral trade, advertising] Anderson-Friberg Co., Inc.
Regular price $55.00
15 large plates of headstone designs by Harmony Blue Granite Co.
[funeral trade, advertising] Harmony Blue Granite Co.
The Widowhood Book
Osman, C. A. E. (ed.)
Road Preservation and Dust Prevention
Judson, William Pierson
Regular price $30.00
Light and Work: A Discussion of Quality and Quantity of Light
Luckiesh, M.
Introductory Meteorology...
National Research Council (U.S.).; United States Weather Bureau
The Surface-History of the Earth
Joly, John (1857-1933)
Regular price $24.00
Six Hundred [600] Ways to Get Rich When Your Pockets are Empty...
[quackery, hucksters] M. Young
Regular price $80.00
Alfalfa (in Van Everen "Fitsanybook" Adjustable Book Cover)
Coburn, F. D.
Blair & Co.'s Travelers' Code, compiled from Lieber's Standard Telegraphic Code
Lieber, B. Franklin
Be Your Own House Plant Expert
Hessayon, D. G.
Regular price $12.00
Pruning to Keep Your Home More Attractive, Youthful, Salable
[landscaping, ephemera]
Regular price $14.00
The History of the Convict Ship "Success" and Dramatic Story of Some of the Success Prisoners
Regular price $15.00
Weight Lifting and Weight Training
Kirkley, George W.
Machine-Shop Technology
Felker, C. A.
The Study and Practice of Yoga
Day, Harvey
Regular price $18.00
Press photograph of two men and a boy inspecting a wrecked car (with publication markups)
Regular price $45.00
Associated Press photograph of firefighters carrying a woman and child from unspecified disaster (with publication markups)
Regular price $40.00
Associated Press photograph of a plane crash (22 dead; September 28, 1953) with publication markups
PERSPECTOGRAPH (Milton Bradley perspective drawing apparatus)
Brownjohn, Earl [Brown John]
SEE Magazine Vol. 10, No. 6. November, 1951 (Magazine)
Hackett, John (ed.); Drew Pearson, et al. [Marilyn Monroe]
UNCENSORED Vol. 14, No. 6. December, 1965 (Magazine)
James, Antony (ed.)
SUPPRESSED Vol. 1, No. 3; May, 1954 (Magazine)
Farrell, E. (ed.); Jerry Holland (art)
A Manual of the Philosophy of Voice and Speech
Hunt, James
Regular price $75.00
Furniture: Its Selection and Use
Kelsey, Clark B.; Axel H. Oxholm; US Department of Commerce
Regular price $12.50
Keeping Time (The Mentor Serial No. 122: January 1, 1917. Department of Science Volume 4 Number 22)
Talman, C. F.
The Art of Thought Reading
Dunninger, Joseph
Regular price $20.00
The A-Bomb and You: Four Survival Secrets; Memorize Them and Live (Broadside)
[Civil Defense, Cold War Survival Poster]
Dictionary of Stroke Structures in Graphoanalysis
IGAS Instruction Department (Milton Bunker, International Graphoanalysis Society)
Regular price $200.00
Physical Exercise Training Manual (Japanese Army Gymnastics)
Terauchi Masatake [Imperial Japanese Army]
Japanese Military Health and First Aid Emergency Rescue Guide "Sanitation Law and First Aid Law"
[Yoshiyuki Kawashima, Imperial Japanese Army]
Dekorationen der modernen Kalten Küche / Modern Cold Dishes and their Decoration / Cuisine froide modern et decorations
Kerk, R.; B. Hoppner (ed.)
Manual of the Mental Examination of Aliens 1918
Treasury Department, United States Public Health Service [psychological testing] [Howard Andrew Knox, Augustus F. Sherman]