Manuscript thesaurus/poet’s reference turned scrapbook of selected works, &c, by Mary Isabella Purington Cummings
[women poets, scrapbooks]
A Sermon Preached Before the Fatherless and Widows' Society, in the Central Church, on Sunday Evening, October 28, 1849
Gannett, Ezra S.
Anonymous letter to a dying man's "tormentor" wife: "Are you not afraid that people will brand you as his murderess"
[women, threats]
The Numeration Table [manuscript mathematics ciphering book]
[Philadelphia printing, ephemera]
Regular price $250.00
The Pocket Lawyer and Family Conveyancer...
[Charles Bell]
Regular price $35.00
The Delinquent Girl and Woman: Proceedings of a Conference of the National Committee on Prisons and Prison Labor; February 3, 1919. (Prison Leaflets 48)
[prison reform]
Regular price $150.00
Sunday School Tracts 21, 26 and 27: A Sunday School Dictionary and A Dictionary of Scripture Names, Parts I & II
[juvenile religious tracts, Bible study]
Regular price $100.00
Circulars issued for the Northwestern Mutual Endowment Society for Unmarried Persons, Organized Dec. 21, 1884 (6 items)
[ephemera, insurance, fraud]
Typographical broadside/circular advertising Fall goods offered by Philadelphia clothing & fabric supplier W. G. Chittick & Co., dated August 20, 1858.
[antebellum textile trade]
Regular price $75.00
Address to the Citizens of Boston and Vicinity on the Subject of a Rural Cemetery
[funeral industry, ephemera]
Regular price $50.00
Name-On Stationery: Pleases the most discriminating...
[sample books] Name-On Stationery Co.
Regular price $60.00
Maxwell’s Plisse Shadings - Parisian and Krinkle Plisse, For the Interior Harmonious
[sample books] S. A. Maxwell & Co.
Regular price $115.00
7 ca. 1930s sample books for specialty papers by Hughes & Hoffman
[sample books] Hughes & Hoffman
Regular price $135.00
A Phrenological Chart of the Character and Talents of Miss Mary E. Shaw
D. H. Campbell [manuscript phrenology chart]
Result of Research in Mental Science; or, the modern scientific phrenological and physiological register and self-instructor
Taylor, John William
Synopsis of Phrenology; and the Phrenological Developments, Together with the Character and Talents of [Joseph Shore] as Given by [L.N. Fowler and W. R. Strachan] with References
Fowler, O. S. and L. N.; W. R. Strachan
Collection of late-19c manuscript copies of home health remedies ALS to a woman from her sister suggesting treatments for asthma and dropsy copied (without attribution) from popular medicine handbooks
[quackery, patent medicine, home remedies]
ALS to John Henry Hedley about his alcoholic father and "martyr" mother's plight
[alcoholism, family dynamics]
1896 Girl's letter to her baby sister, whom she thought "would enjoy tearing it up"
[sisters, correspondence]
Undertaker's love letter, full of red flags
[love, correspondence]
Letter to Bunny, who's just got married and is setting up house in Canada
[marriage, correspondence]
1931 ALS from a woman working in a Gary, Indiana garment factory to a former coworker, who married and moved to Tennessee.
[working women, labor, correspondence]
The International Sabbath School Lessons for 1884
Wilson, Elijah N.
Regular price $40.00
[Graphic format factory assembly manual for Norge refrigerators]
Borg-Warner Corp., Norge Division
Embroidered panel quoting Shakespeare
[sewing ephemera]
Binder of labor and budget allocations for Buffalo, NY Emergency Relief Bureau projects, 1935.
[labor, ephemera]
Regular price $225.00
A young woman’s illustrated letter to her sister in a birch bark booklet
[manuscript letter]
Album Amicorum (1840s)
Regular price $265.00
Speller Lotto
[educational toys]
Regular price $125.00
Straw and Paper Stringing
Complete Catalogue of the Products of the Laboratories of Parke, Davis & Co. Detroit, Mich., U. S. A. Revised to April, 1920.
[trade catalog, Aleister Crowley interest]
Thumb O Graphs: We'll Note You in Our Booke of Memory
[autograph books]
Union Wire Rope Corporation Catalog C: A "Different' Wirope handbook.
Union Wire Rope Corporation
Lillie Sleeps. Respectfully dedicated to Mrs. R. M. Yale
Shillaber, B. P.; Ernest Leslie
Regular price $30.00
Eilers' Sunday School Teachers' Class and Guide Book...
Eilers, A. H. [ephemera]
Regular price $38.00
Views of Labrador
[Wilfred Grenfell interest]
Regular price $175.00
Der geschwinde Rechner... (ready reckoner)
[business math, PA imprints]
Houghtaling's Revised Hand-Book of Useful Information.
Houghtaling, Charles. E.
Regular price $65.00
Record of the M. E. Sabbath School Library
[manuscript notebooks, ledgers]
Janette Shipman's copy book from paid study under S. Lee Lyman, September 17, 1855.
[penmanship, manuscript copy book] Janette L. Shipman; S. Lee Lyman