Journal de Teinture de M. Reimann (1889)
Reimann, Max [textiles, dyeing]
Regular price $525.00
Twentieth-century Nottingham lace specimen book with samples extending into the 1960s
[fashion, textiles, sample book]
Regular price $875.00
故實叢書: Rekisei fukushoku kō / Thoughts on Historical Clothing (5 volumes)
Tanaka Naofusa 田中直房
Archive of 18 manuscript weaving pattern drafts by a woman in Texas, ca. 1840-1860s
[manuscript, textiles, weaving]
Box of 51 nature specimen cards compiled by pharmacy student Howard C. Burns
[medicine, herbarium]
Blanco y Negro: revista ilustrada, Año 27, Números 1363-1383. Bound volume of 27 issues, complete consecutive run from July 1-December 30, 1917
Prensa Española [periodicals, illustrated magazines]
Mathematical Snapshots
Steinhaus, Hubert
Special supplement for Shufu-no-tomo, March 1933 - Repairing clothing (with 100 secret recipes for cleaning stains!)
[sewing ephemera, Japanese publications]
Regular price $100.00
Recreations morales de l'Enfance, ou Entretiens... tome premier & second (2 volumes)
Lemair, H[enri]
DicKinS Sportswear, Designed by Cotto
[trade catalog, sample book]
Regular price $125.00
Two illustrated student manuscript notebooks for courses in Physiology and Zoology by a young woman in Oregon, 1910
[student notebook]
A passionate friendship booklet of obscure and ominous circumstances. Chester County, Pennsylvania, ca. 1860.
[manuscript friendship booklet, sapphic love token]
Large cabinet photo of a nobly aloof man in short-shorts on roller skates
Kansas child's book full of 90+ airplane and automobile drawings
[original art, juvenile]
Les eaux souterraines aux epoques anciennes: role qui leur revient dans l'origine et les modifications de la substance de l'écorce terrestre
Daubrée, Auguste
Dyestuffs for Colour Lake Making and Allied Trades
[dyeing industry, trade publications]
Stub book of burial removal permits for bodies expired and transported on a Western PA section of the Pennsylvania Railroad, 1906-1909
[ephemera, Americana]
Ornamental penwork alphabet, 19c France
[original drawing, penwork, lettering]
"The young carmelite" Ornate pen and ink drawing (19c France)
"Amitie" Ornate pen and ink drawing (19c France)
Ornate pen and ink drawing of birds (France, 19c)
Abstract border design for ornamental penwork, France 19C
San Diego Normal School student's binder of manuscript notes, construction examples & Milton Bradley samples, ca. 1913-1917 (incl. 1913 Kindergarten Supplies catalog)
Sloan, Gladys [teaching ephemera, sample books, Milton Bradley]
Mise-en-carte woven tulip pattern gouache maquette, France, 1910
[textiles, original art]
Autograph book with finely lettered dedication pages and attractive drawings, 1906-1920.
Cissy Graham [autograph books, drawing & lettering].
The Story Book for Little Folks
[juvenile, Mary Elizabeth Southwell Dudley Leathley]
The Garden (Dean's Rag Book No. 105)
Patricchio, Caterina
Set of 26 illustrated ABC cards "Child Health Alphabet"
[alphabet, learning aids] Antoinette R. Peterson (Mrs. Frederick Peterson)
Air Corps Basic Photography TM 2170-5
[United States Government, Militaria]
Regular price $85.00
Photographs of orthopedic-related medical research in Japan, 1962, including deformity and disease in children potentially related to radiation exposure and the atomic bomb
[medicine, surgery]
The Post-Master Vol. I, No. 1. March, 1897.
Grandpapa Pease's Illustrated Alphabet
[juvenile, ABC]
Explanation of Dreams (Dr. J.H. McLean, cover title: No. 2 Dreaming)
Dr. J.H. McLean
Seven Flowers
artist book, handmade
WWI A.E.F. Air Service Boxing broadside & match ticket, 2nd Aviation Instruction Center, Tours, France
[WWI, military]
Regular price $725.00