The Numeration Table [manuscript mathematics ciphering book]
[Philadelphia printing, ephemera]
Regular price $250.00
7 ca. 1930s sample books for specialty papers by Hughes & Hoffman
[sample books] Hughes & Hoffman
Regular price $135.00
The New Round Game of Moorish Fort
[parlour games]
Regular price $300.00
Nine Art Deco chair designs in gouache
[original art, furniture design]
Binder of labor and budget allocations for Buffalo, NY Emergency Relief Bureau projects, 1935.
[labor, ephemera]
Regular price $225.00
Album Amicorum (1840s)
Regular price $265.00
Moderne kunstschmiedearbeiten nach entwürfen…
[architecture, ornament]
Regular price $1,450.00
The Ladies' Philosophy of Love: A Poem, in Four Cantos. Written in 1774.
Stearns, Charles
Regular price $175.00
The Infant's Friend. Or, a selection of lessons for children
[juvenile, chapbooks] (Alexander Anderson)
Rechenbuch für Volksschulen mit besonderer rücksicht auf das königreich hannover
[bindings, school books, mathematics]
Regular price $185.00
The New Instructor, Being the Second Part of the American Spelling-Book
Rhoads, Asa
Regular price $350.00
A Token for Mourners: Or, the advice of Christ to a distressed mother bewailing the death of her dear and only son wherein the boundaries of sorrow are duly fixed, excesses restrained, the common pleas answered, and divers rules for the support of Gods...
Flavel, John
Regular price $325.00
1877 album of 40 botanical watercolors
[original art, botanical]
Regular price $625.00
A Digest of Current Orders and Decisions; With extracts from Army regulations, relating to the Medical Corps of the U.S. Army; compiled under direction of the Surgeon-General.
Greenleaf, Charles R.
The Lady's Album of Fancy Work; Consisting of novel, elegant and useful designs in knitting, netting, crochet and embroidery with clear and explicit directions for working the patterns.
[needlework, gift books]
Regular price $500.00
Teenage girl's vernacular photo album of multigenerational women in California ca. 1955
[vernacular photography, photo albums, women]
WWI A.E.F. Air Service Boxing broadside & match ticket, 2nd Aviation Instruction Center, Tours, France
[WWI, military]
Regular price $725.00
The Wing Slip No. 13, Monday June 24, 1918. (Final issue, WWI AEF soldier newspaper)
[WWI, military, soldier newspapers]
Journal de Teinture de M. Reimann (1889)
Reimann, Max [textiles, dyeing]
Regular price $525.00
Twentieth-century Nottingham lace specimen book with samples extending into the 1960s
[fashion, textiles, sample book]
Regular price $875.00
Fantastical whimsy of a needle book
Regular price $100.00
The New and Complete Letter-Writer: Containing a Course of Interesting Original Letters, on the Most Important, Instructing, and Entertaining Subjects. And a Set of Complimentary Cards...
Cook, Rev. Thomas [Cooke]
The Universal Spelling Alphabet: An Amusing, and Instructive, Parlour Game. Containing 400 Letters, Figures, Notes, &c.
[alphabet, spelling games]
1920s Interior Design Class Project Binder
[student work, education, home economics]
Product photograph and blueprint for the Leopold Lamp and Desk Set
[furniture, industrial design]
Bound volume of 9 major US Department of Agriculture Division of Forestry bulletins, 1899-1901
B. E. Fernow (Chief of Forestry); Gifford Pinchot
Deutscher Drucker (Deutscher Buch- und Steindrucker) Kartonnagen und Packungen. Heft 2, November 1930, 37. Jahrgang (German Printer: Cardboard Boxes and Packs. Issue 2, November 1930, Volume 37)
[graphic arts, printing]
Dictionary of Stroke Structures in Graphoanalysis
IGAS Instruction Department (Milton Bunker, International Graphoanalysis Society)
Regular price $200.00
Depression-era Teacher's manuscript notebook with instructions for papercraft projects
[education ephemera]
Regular price $125.00
Cahier de Couture (les manches)
[sewing ephemera, textiles, student work]
A System of Radiography with an Atlas of the Normal
Bruce, W. Ironside (1876-1921)
Vocabulaire Symbolique Anglo-Francais / A Symbolic French and English Vocabulary
Ragonot, L. C.
Regular price $90.00
Vocational Teacher Training Course 1928-29 Commercial Printing Trade [2 volumes lesson plans, worsheets, notes on pedagogy]
Hadley, Earle L. [educational training]
Twenty-Eighth Annual Report of the Commissioners of Prisons of Massachusetts... for the Year Ending September 30, 1898. (Public Document No. 13. January, 1899.)
[American prison system]
Regular price $70.00
Fifty Designs for Mexican Drawn Work, with Directions for Working
Foster, Kate McCrea
Regular price $120.00
Meticulously illustrated lab book by a woman studying under botanist Richard Holman at UC Berkeley, 1932
[illustrated notebook] Laura E. Mitchell
"Saved from Lion's Jaws" Press photo of model Nell Theobald bitten by lion
Regular price $60.00
A Manual on the Seasoning of Indian Timbers
Kapur, S. N. (Dr. Shanker Nath Kapur, 1895-1972)
Fresh Water Sponges: a Monograph [bound with] 5 offprints from “The Microscope”
Potts, Edward; Franz Vejdovsky
Regular price $150.00
Girl Beautiful: A Comprehensive Collection of Art Studies, Volume Eight (Vol. 8)
[Photography, Fine Art, Female Nude]
Regular price $75.00