Binder of labor and budget allocations for Buffalo, NY Emergency Relief Bureau projects, 1935.
Binder of labor and budget allocations for Buffalo, NY Emergency Relief Bureau projects, 1935.
Binder of labor and budget allocations for Buffalo, NY Emergency Relief Bureau projects, 1935.
Binder of labor and budget allocations for Buffalo, NY Emergency Relief Bureau projects, 1935.
Binder of labor and budget allocations for Buffalo, NY Emergency Relief Bureau projects, 1935.
Binder of labor and budget allocations for Buffalo, NY Emergency Relief Bureau projects, 1935.
Binder of labor and budget allocations for Buffalo, NY Emergency Relief Bureau projects, 1935.
Binder of labor and budget allocations for Buffalo, NY Emergency Relief Bureau projects, 1935.
Binder of labor and budget allocations for Buffalo, NY Emergency Relief Bureau projects, 1935.
Binder of labor and budget allocations for Buffalo, NY Emergency Relief Bureau projects, 1935.
Binder of labor and budget allocations for Buffalo, NY Emergency Relief Bureau projects, 1935.
Binder of labor and budget allocations for Buffalo, NY Emergency Relief Bureau projects, 1935.
Binder of labor and budget allocations for Buffalo, NY Emergency Relief Bureau projects, 1935.
Binder of labor and budget allocations for Buffalo, NY Emergency Relief Bureau projects, 1935.
[labor, ephemera]

Binder of labor and budget allocations for Buffalo, NY Emergency Relief Bureau projects, 1935.

Buffalo: NY Emergency Relief Bureau, 1935.

Plain oblong cloth binder,  1935 in-house reference binder of labor and budget allocations for Buffalo, NY Emergency Relief Bureau projects, including expected funds for street paving and hospitals—and some surprise items like Historic Marionettes, Survey of Occupational Characteristics, Painting Murals & Easel Pictures, Milk Distribution, Sauerkraut Manufacturer, and several line items related to the Meat Boning Plant, including Meat Hooks, Barrels and Frocks. 28 numbered leaves with three interjecting pink leaves; large blueprint “The City of Buffalo 1935 Compiled by the Extension Division of the Bureau of Water” drawn by Albert Edward Hedger. The map is cut into 40 pieces, numbered in the upper corners in pencil. The document is notable for abutting the transfer of some ERB projects upon the establishment of the WPA in March 1935. Sheets 1-24 were issued under a January 23 date, with additions and revisions entered February 25 and March 22—the last date. Six months later, a drop in wages prompted by the transfer of Buffalo city projects resulted in a strike reported by the New York Times on October 5.

Regular price $225.00 Unit price per