Aunt Fanny's Fairy Tales: Blue Beard (cover title)
[juvenile] McLoughlin
Regular price $225.00
The Child's Story Book
[juvenile, chapbook]
Sunday School Tracts 21, 26 and 27: A Sunday School Dictionary and A Dictionary of Scripture Names, Parts I & II
[juvenile religious tracts, Bible study]
Regular price $100.00
The International Sabbath School Lessons for 1884
Wilson, Elijah N.
Regular price $36.00
Nouveau cours élémentaire de coloris et d'aquarelle suivi de considérations sur la peinture orientale.
[art education, juvenile]
Regular price $70.00
A Place for Every Thing: and Every Thing in its Place (Home Books with Cousin Alice series)
Haven, Alice B. (Emily Alice Bradley Neal Haven)
Regular price $75.00
Take the Right Turning (American Tract Society no. 22)
Regular price $125.00
Now is the Time (American Tract Society no. 4)
The Infant's Friend. Or, a selection of lessons for children
[juvenile, chapbooks] (Alexander Anderson)
Regular price $250.00
The Arts of Life; and Lessons from Them
The House that Jack Built
[juvenile, illustrated] C. Edmonds
The Grand Defect; or, Helen and Her Cousin Julia, written for the American Sunday-School Union by a deaf and dumb lady
Haec City / Also Books
Memoir of the Rev. William Ward, One of the Serampore Missionaries [with] The Sailor Boy and His Bible
[juvenile, American Sunday School Union]
Young Folks' Drawing Book
[advertising ephemera, patent medicine]
Regular price $35.00
Grandmamma Easy's Amusing Addition
[juvenile, illustrated]
The Child at Home Vol. V, No. 3, March 1864
American Tract Society (Rev. I. P. Warren, ed)
Regular price $25.00
The Child's Paper Vol. 9, No. 11, November 1860
American Tract Society
Regular price $18.00
The Child's Paper Vol. 8, No. 11, November 1859
The Child's Paper Vol. 6, No. 7, July 1857
A World of Girls: The Story of a School
Meade, L. T. (Elizabeth Thomasina Meade Smith)
Regular price $14.00
The Story Book for Little Folks
[juvenile, Mary Elizabeth Southwell Dudley Leathley]
Recreations morales de l'Enfance, ou Entretiens... tome premier & second (2 volumes)
Lemair, H[enri]
The Garden (Dean's Rag Book No. 105)
Patricchio, Caterina
Grandpapa Pease's Illustrated Alphabet
[juvenile, ABC]
Kansas child's book full of 90+ airplane and automobile drawings
[original art, juvenile]
The Child's Book
Greenwald, Rev. E.
The National Primer
[juvenile, primer]
Map of United States #4083
Milton Bradley Co. [puzzles, toys, games]
Pictorial Primer
[ABC, primer] Talley, Henry
Bradley's Kindergarten Material No. 5 & 6, Fifth and Sixth Gifts (complete!)
Milton Bradley Kindergarten Material [teaching aids, educational ephemera]
Mrs. Hailmann's Beads #470 (Two sets of wooden beads cubes, spheres, cylinders in original wood boxes)
Milton Bradley, Kindergarten Material [teaching aids, educational ephemera]
Parquetry Design Blocks Enlarged (Milton Bradley Co. #8439)
Milton Bradley Co. Milton Bradley [teaching aids, educational ephemera]
Bradley's Self-Verifying Phonetic Cards (Milton Bradley #8266)
Nellie Troidl; Milton Bradley [teaching aids, educational ephemera]
Bradley's Picture Sentence Builder (Milton Bradley #8010)
Milton Bradley [word games, teaching aids, educational ephemera]
Regular price $65.00
Bradley's Phonetic Word Builder, Number One (Milton Bradley #8000)
Milton Bradley [teaching aids, educational ephemera]
Anagrams (#4164)
Milton Bradley [word games, educational ephemera]
Conette: A Game of Skill (Milton Bradley #4044)
Milton Bradley [games]
Game of Anagrams (Milton Bradley #4150)
The Instructive Game of Magic Spelling with Bewitched Letters
McLoughlin Bros. [games, juvenile, educational ephemera]
The Picture Book; or Familiar Objects Described