Carpentry and Building Vol. IV, No. 9. September, 1882
Williams, David [architecture, periodicals]
Regular price $9.00
Carpentry and Building Vol. IV, No. 12. December, 1882
Regular price $10.00
Carpentry and Building Vol. IV, No. 3. March, 1882
Regular price $14.00
Carpentry and Building Vol. IV, No. 2. February, 1882
Regular price $20.00
The Graphic: An Illustrated Weekly Newspaper. No. 1510, Vol. LVIII, Nov 6, 1898
[periodicals, illustrated newspapers]
Regular price $22.00
Freeze Fruits and Vegetables (Circular 317)
Pennsylvania State College [domestic science]
Regular price $35.00
1912 Sunday School and Church Supplies: A Practical Guide for Up-to-Date Sunday School Workers... (trade catalogue)
[trade catalog, church and school supplies]
Regular price $25.00
Abrasive Papers & Cloths for the Student and Home Craftsman
[ephemera, trade catalogs]
The Story of Oak Floors
Regular price $30.00
The Child at Home Vol. V, No. 3, March 1864
American Tract Society (Rev. I. P. Warren, ed)
The Child's Paper Vol. 9, No. 11, November 1860
American Tract Society
Regular price $18.00
The Child's Paper Vol. 8, No. 11, November 1859
The Child's Paper Vol. 6, No. 7, July 1857
Games, Stunts, Programs: Suggestions for Rural Leaders and Home Entertainment (cover title: Handbook on Organizing in the Rural Community for Work and Play)
[agriculture, community organizing]
Memory Gems: For Everybody, For all Occasions; How Many Do YOU Know?
Supts, Toothman, Hupp and Ward
From One to Twenty-One: Studies in Mind Growth
Murray, Walter C.
Regular price $45.00
Dissertation on the Means of Regeneration
Spring, Gardiner
Regular price $58.00
Woman's Institute of Domestic Arts and Sciences: Laundering and Dry Cleaning
International Textbook Co.
The National Stockman and Farmer, Vol. XVI, No. 38. Thursday, January 5, 1892. Whole No. 818.
[agriculture, periodicals]
The National Stockman and Farmer, Vol. XVI, No. 19. Thursday, August 25, 1892. Whole No. 799.
Catalogue of Herd Registered Jersey Cattle. Property of Erastus Corning, Albany N.Y. 1881
Corning, Erastus [New York Cattle Industry]
Regular price $50.00
Handmade book of teacher Ruth Hoffman's sixth grade class reports on George Washington
[student work]
Principles of Interior Design
[student notebook]
Regular price $42.00
A World of Girls: The Story of a School
Meade, L. T. (Elizabeth Thomasina Meade Smith)
First Lessons in French (Eclectic Educational Series)
Bullet, Emma E.
Regular price $85.00
Woman's Institute of Domestic Arts and Sciences, 3 volumes: Decorative Stitches and Trimming, Sewing Materials [and] Sewing for Profit
How to Make Crepe Paper Flowers
[crafts, how-to]
Written Proofs to Dr. Miles' Medical Co.
[patent medicine, advertising, ephemera]
Nationaline Planalog (Complete bathrooms for value conscious, modern buyers...)
[advertising, ephemera]
Regular price $38.00
Be Your Own House Plant Expert
Hessayon, D. G.
Regular price $12.00
Pruning to Keep Your Home More Attractive, Youthful, Salable
[landscaping, ephemera]
The History of the Convict Ship "Success" and Dramatic Story of Some of the Success Prisoners
Regular price $15.00
Weight Lifting and Weight Training
Kirkley, George W.
Vitalic Breathing: The Miracle to Air Discovery
Gaines, Thomas
Introductory Language Work...
Reed, Alonzo
Introduction to Physical Science
Gage, A. P.
Regular price $26.00
Modern Painting, Hardwood Finishing and Sign Writing (Modern Painter's Cyclopedia)
Armstrong, Hodgson and Delamotte
The Study and Practice of Yoga
Day, Harvey
The Wing Slip No. 13, Monday June 24, 1918. (Final issue, WWI AEF soldier newspaper)
[WWI, military, soldier newspapers]
Regular price $325.00
Air Corps Basic Photography TM 2170-5
[United States Government, Militaria]