Lady Cheveley, or, The Woman of Honour
(Edward Bulwer-Lytton; after Baroness Rosina Bulwer-Lytton)
Regular price $175.00
The Pocket Lawyer and Family Conveyancer...
[Charles Bell]
Regular price $35.00
Complete Catalogue of the Products of the Laboratories of Parke, Davis & Co. Detroit, Mich., U. S. A. Revised to April, 1920.
[trade catalog, Aleister Crowley interest]
Moderne kunstschmiedearbeiten nach entwürfen…
[architecture, ornament]
Regular price $1,450.00
Thumb O Graphs: We'll Note You in Our Booke of Memory
[autograph books]
Sammelband of Seven [7] Facetiae or jeux d’esprits published by the “Thief,” William Kidd, London, 1830s.
[humor, publishing]
The New Instructor, Being the Second Part of the American Spelling-Book
Rhoads, Asa
Regular price $350.00
A Token for Mourners: Or, the advice of Christ to a distressed mother bewailing the death of her dear and only son wherein the boundaries of sorrow are duly fixed, excesses restrained, the common pleas answered, and divers rules for the support of Gods...
Flavel, John
Hand-Book for Home Improvement, Comprising How to Write; How to Talk; How to Behave; How to Do Business. Complete in One Volume.
[Fowler, self-help]
A Digest of Current Orders and Decisions; With extracts from Army regulations, relating to the Medical Corps of the U.S. Army; compiled under direction of the Surgeon-General.
Greenleaf, Charles R.
Regular price $225.00
The Lady's Album of Fancy Work; Consisting of novel, elegant and useful designs in knitting, netting, crochet and embroidery with clear and explicit directions for working the patterns.
[needlework, gift books]
Regular price $500.00
Ideal Suggestion Through Mental Photography: A Restorative System for Home and Private Use
Wood, Henry
San Diego Normal School student's binder of manuscript notes, construction examples & Milton Bradley samples, ca. 1913-1917 (incl. 1913 Kindergarten Supplies catalog)
Sloan, Gladys [teaching ephemera, sample books, Milton Bradley]
Specimens for Botany Merit Badge 1936 Boy Scout herbarium binder
[herbarium, botanical ephemera]
Regular price $135.00
The Gentleman's Magazine for June 1743
Sylvanus Urban
Regular price $40.00
The Gentleman's Magazine for April 1763
Regular price $45.00
Applied Anatomy and Kinesiology
Bowen, Wilbur Pardon; Boughner and Rynearson
A Dictionary of the English Language: Containing All the Words in Common Use...
[Sharpe, John]
Regular price $65.00
裁縫教科書 渡邉辰五郎編纂 / Saihō no kyōkasho (Sewing Textbook, 3 volumes)
Tatsugoro Watanabe 渡辺辰五郎 [sewing ephemera, vocational training]
Atlas to the Coal Flora of Pennsylvania, and of the Carboniferous Formation throughout the United States (plates volume/commonplace book)
Lesquereux, Leo [commonplace book]
Peter Puzzlewig's Comic Round Game of Alliteration (Alliteration; or, a Prime Plan and Merry Method of producing a Plain and Perfect Pronunciation) ABC card game
[juvenile, ABC]
The Ornamental Penman's, Engravers, Sign Writers, Draughtsmen Pocket Book of Alphabets.
[lettering, alphabets]
Regular price $120.00
The Allegany Collection of Music for Public Worship, Choirs, Singing Schools, Musical Conventions, Musical Associations and the Social Circle
Johnson, A. N.
Loewen, Jane
Regular price $48.00
A System of Radiography with an Atlas of the Normal
Bruce, W. Ironside (1876-1921)
Dekorationen der modernen Kalten Küche / Modern Cold Dishes and their Decoration / Cuisine froide modern et decorations
Kerk, R.; B. Hoppner (ed.)
The Bible Emblem Anniversary Book
Foster, William (illus.) [juvenile]
Geometrical Drawing: A Collection of Plates for Practical Use in Elementary Mechanical Drawing
Schraidt, F. [Ferdinand Friederich Hans, 1880-]
Eckels Anatomical Aid, with original chart drawings (Heirloom anatomy guides from a family of undertakers)
Eckels, H. S. [Howard Samuel]
A Manual of Useful Studies for the Instruction of Young Persons of Both Sexes, in Families and Schools
Webster, Noah
The Railway Transition Spiral
[blueprints, ephemera]
A New Hieroglyphic Bible
[juvenile, illustrated]
1923 Automotive Engineering notebook with naive drawings of motors, circuits
[folk art, drawing, illustrated engineering notebook]
The Evangelical Museum or Christian Ladies Complete Pocket Book for 1838
Regular price $100.00
Admonitions Against Swearing, Sabbath-Breaking and Drunkenness, Designed for the Benefit of Such that are guilty of One or More of these Vices.
Stonhouse, James
Regular price $75.00
The Practical Draughtsman's Book of Industrial Design, and Machinist's and Engineer's Drawing Companion: Forming a Complete Course of Mechanical, Engineering, and Architectural Drawing
Armengaud, Jacques-Eugène; Johnson, William (trans.)
The Public School Drawing Course No. 2. Senior Second.
McFaul, J. H.
Regular price $60.00
An Easy Guide to the Constellations, with a Miniature Atlas of the Stars and Key Maps
Gall, James Jun.
Mother [Goose] in Hieroglyphics
[Appleton, George S.]
Pour les petits et les grands: Combinaisons décoratives application aux travaux manuels
Bardot, Mlle.; M. Claveau