The National Stockman and Farmer, Vol. XVI, No. 38. Thursday, January 5, 1892. Whole No. 818.
The National Stockman and Farmer, Vol. XVI, No. 38. Thursday, January 5, 1892. Whole No. 818.
The National Stockman and Farmer, Vol. XVI, No. 38. Thursday, January 5, 1892. Whole No. 818.
The National Stockman and Farmer, Vol. XVI, No. 38. Thursday, January 5, 1892. Whole No. 818.
The National Stockman and Farmer, Vol. XVI, No. 38. Thursday, January 5, 1892. Whole No. 818.
The National Stockman and Farmer, Vol. XVI, No. 38. Thursday, January 5, 1892. Whole No. 818.
The National Stockman and Farmer, Vol. XVI, No. 38. Thursday, January 5, 1892. Whole No. 818.
The National Stockman and Farmer, Vol. XVI, No. 38. Thursday, January 5, 1892. Whole No. 818.
[agriculture, periodicals]

The National Stockman and Farmer, Vol. XVI, No. 38. Thursday, January 5, 1892. Whole No. 818.

Pittsburgh, Pa.: Axtell, Rush & Co., 1892.

Devoted to raising, breeding, feeding, buying and selling live-stock, and to the interests of agriculture and the farm. Special attention given to the preparation and revision of market reports..." Small subscriber sticker over masthead, thumb tear at the foredge crease (cover only). 24pp full of livestock illustrations and great advertisements for agricultural equipment as well as items of general interest to the modern farmer, including the Dandy Steel Mill, whose pitch is, "Be Happy While You Live, for You Will Be Dead a Long Time."

Regular price $25.00 Unit price per