Croquet: Its Principles and Rules
Croquet: Its Principles and Rules
Croquet: Its Principles and Rules
Croquet: Its Principles and Rules
Croquet: Its Principles and Rules
Croquet: Its Principles and Rules
Croquet: Its Principles and Rules
Croquet: Its Principles and Rules
Rover, Prof. A.

Croquet: Its Principles and Rules

Sixth edition. Springfield, MA: Milton Bradley Co., 1869.

Softcover 16mo, 70 (1)pp. Illustrated throughout with diagrams and occasional woodcuts. Milton Bradley ads on the inner wrap and last page. A Fair copy, lacking the spine and rear wrap, with nibbling and loss around the edges of the cover. Tidemark at the upper spine throughout the textblock. Contents in surprisingly nice condition--a serviceable copy, not without its charms.

Regular price $40.00 Unit price per