Sample album of six books for children, mothers, and young women ca. 1900-1910
Includes bound covers and sample contents for Polite Manners for Little Men and Women by Daphne Dale (featuring the School Girl orchestra); Golden Thoughts for Daily Reading by Rev. Alfred Fowler (lots of angel illustrations, some in color); Easy Bible Lessons for Children with great pictorial gilt cover; Little Folks' Home Amusements or Pastimes for Busy Hands (cover), title page The Kindergarten Painting and Drawing Book: A Boon to Mothers on Rainy Days by Col. Francis Parker (a few of the outline picture have crayong coloring); New Speaker for the Little Folks or Songs and Rhymes for Jolly Times by Maude M. Jackson, which has some unsettling photos of children in costume; and Our Baby's ABCs and Picture Book by Florence Underwood Colt, which has pages printed in green and orange on age toned pulp paper which is fragile but very graphically arresting. Each title has a one-page pink prospectus and a blank list for subscribers is bound in. In Very Good condition with moderate soil to the Golden Thoughts cover and some chipping to the top edges of some of the interior cover panels where they're exposed beyond the sample textbooks. A fun variety of papers and printing techniques and featuring a majority of titles with women authors.