A Phrenological Chart of the Character and Talents of Miss Mary E. Shaw
No place, no date. Late 1880s-early 1890s based on evidence of Campbell’s active years. [6] leaves with 11 manuscript pages of writing, 10 x 8 inches. Stitched along the spine; Fair condition with a 2x4" loss gnawed from the bottom edge of the last leaf, continued but diminishing to .5 x .75 inches on the second, with some loss to content through the the previous 3. Vertical crease with a closed tear protruding 3.5 inches down the first fold.
D. H. Campbell attended the American Institute of Phrenology from 1887-1889 and appears in The Phrenological Journal a handful of times, but was not particularly well-known. The lack of conviction suggests this may have been the work of a less experienced phrenologist. The first page has the usual list of phrenological organs with size rating, followed by the rundown of middling assessments. The assessment is not very decisive, maybe a sign of an inexperienced practitioner: ”You are cautious, but not timid and hesitating. You have some ambition, but no undue degree of this. You have none too much of self-esteem, you do not feel inferior, however. Somewhat set in your own way, but not obstinate.”
She is assessed as being witty and perceptive, but her unsuitability for “literary pursuits” is twice mentioned in a way that seems intentionally discouraging, proposing she is more suited for domestic life.
“You will show much more of a taste for domestic affairs than any desire to excel in literature. You will not trouble your mind very much about the great questions of the day. You are not ambitious in this way." Three pages later... “You have a very ready appreciation of the humorous. You perceive the ludicrous very readily and may be considered quite witty in your remarks. Your observing powers are well developed… for housekeeping and domestic pursuits generally, you appear to have a very favorable organization, but for literary pursuits, not so remarkable.”
She is lastly advised: “In order to enjoy life fully, it is necessary that you should expand the chest and cultivate the lungs. Having some of the nervous or mental temperament, it is desirable that you should cultivate your vital force by expanding your chest and exercising your lungs. You should avoid strong tea, coffee, and spices.” Transcription of the narrative portion below.
Your brain is not large, but very active. Your head is rather even in its development. Your intellect is very quick. You are already a server and have good reasoning powers, but you have besides this what may be termed an intuitive perception of truth. You can express your ideas freely, are rather ready witted, can learn easily, you may be considered smart, knowing, quick, wide-awake, ready in perception and never dull [or stupid] your mental operations.
You are not really powerful in mind but the deficiency, if there be any, in this particular is more than made up by your acuity.
You have energy of character, but not too much. The base of your brain is not too large.
You are not strong-minded. You will show much more of a taste for domestic affairs than any desire to excel in literature. You will not trouble your mind very much about the great questions of the day. You are not ambitious in this way.
The power of application you ought to cultivate. You are not very deficient, but should fix the attention more. You are quite ready to turn from one subject to another.
As regards Combativeness, Destructiveness, and the propensities generally, your head is very favorably developed. You have none too much force of character [...] yet you are not lacking in this way…
You are cautious, but not timid and hesitating.
You have some ambition, but no undue degree of this.
You have none too much of self-esteem, you do not feel inferior, however,
Somewhat set in your own way, but not obstinate.
Honest in purpose, you mean well, your intentions are correct.
You are cheerful, somewhat sanguine in your expectations, but you do not build “castles.”
Your religious nature is not very strong yet not deficient. Cultivate this.
You will show no lack of kindness or charitable feeling. You are well developed in this.
The mechanical faculties are fully developed. You could succeed very well in Millinery &c., almost anything requiring taste and manual skill. You have very good artist [...]
You have a very ready appreciation of the humorous. You perceive the ludicrous very readily and may be considered quite witty in your remarks.
Your observing powers are well developed. You are more than average in this. You can acquire knowledge easily. You readily perceive the state of things around you. You can judge well of the physical qualities and conditions of their form, size, weight &c.
Your memory, if cultivated, will be excellent. Your geographical facility is very good. You can become a good scholar, but you do not appear to be particularly adapted to the profession, for housekeeping and domestic pursuits generally, you appear to have a very favorable organization, but for literary pursuits, not so remarkable.
You should cultivate the power of logic [...] are already quite sharp [...] your intellect.
You are not of a domineering disposition, not too authoritative, not too app to dictate. You are not a great lover of power and influence, you will not trouble your mind very much about politics, law, &c.
You are capable of making yourself very agreeable, are not quarrelsome, can control your temper and manifest a good deal of amiability of disposition.
In order to enjoy life fully, it is necessary that you should expand the chest and cultivate the lungs.
Having some of the nervous or mental temperament, it is desirable that you should cultivate your vital force by expanding your chest and exercising your lungs. You should avoid strong tea, coffee, and spices [...] DH Campbell, Phrenologist.