1896 Girl's letter to her baby sister, whom she thought "would enjoy tearing it up"
1896 Girl's letter to her baby sister, whom she thought "would enjoy tearing it up"
[sisters, correspondence]

1896 Girl's letter to her baby sister, whom she thought "would enjoy tearing it up"

New York: [correspondence], 1896.

ALS on stationery from the Gerlach hotel in New York, postmarked Mar 13 1896 to Miss Gwendolyn Harris, care of W. H. Whiton, Piermont Rockland, NY.  The envelope notes Gwendolyn was 1yr, 4 days old at the time. Half-inch closed tear at the left edge of the lower fold; envelope roughly opened along the lower edge. Very Good. Gwendolyn Harris was the daughter of Edward Henry Harris and Sallie Craig Whiton. Ruth was born in 1884, making her about 12 at the time of her letter. Signed with a line of dots in circles—a more understandable language to a toddler, though she asks her mother for provisions in the guise of a request to the little one. A sweet gesture of sisterly love.

Dear Gweny,
You precious little sister how I wish you were here with me tonight I rote to you because you had never had a letter before and thought you would enjoy tearing it up.
Tell mama if you can to bring or send me a clean petticoat a clean and handkerchiefs and flannels.
Remember that you are my one precious darling little sister, and think of me as I do of you and tell me how you liked your first letter
From your only sister