Game of Funny Conversation Cards (#4054)
Game of Funny Conversation Cards (#4054)
Game of Funny Conversation Cards (#4054)
Game of Funny Conversation Cards (#4054)
Game of Funny Conversation Cards (#4054)
Milton Bradley Co.

Game of Funny Conversation Cards (#4054)

Springfield, MA: Milton Bradley Co., 1906.

Paper lined box, 5.75 x 7.5 inches. Bright gilt stamped lid graphic laid. The stamped panel is on a darker shade of maroon and the subject of some debate whether the brighter red box covering (with perfectly matching texture) was a well-executed later repair or simply an from inconsistently colored supply. The box is oversized, but contains the complete set of 48 “Funny Conversation Cards.” Intended to be played in mixed company, according to the rules printed under the lid, “The cards with the questions on are for the Gentlemen. The answer cards are for the Lady.” The subjects of the cards range from mundane to comic to pointedly inquisitive. “Have you cut your wisdom teeth yet?” “Have you a can of soup in your pocket” “Did you ever see a Gazooka?” “Do you believe all that men tell you?” “Do you always speak your mind freely?” “Did you ever shiver till you shook three aces?” “Do you want to die an Old Maid?” &, a potential bombshell: “Do you believe in Woman Suffrage?”

The supply of “Lady” answers are a masterclass in deflection and coy deference. The dialogues they form model norms for conversation with the opposite sex which portrays oneself as manageably witty, but not threateningly smart. “You should be careful how you ask questions.” “Brevity is the soul of wit. I answer No.” “My mind is not in a condition to answer. ‘The thoughts are strange that crowd into my brain.’” “I care not to bother my head with such questions…”