Deutscher Baukasten, mid-19C German building blocks
Deutscher Baukasten, mid-19C German building blocks
Deutscher Baukasten, mid-19C German building blocks
Deutscher Baukasten, mid-19C German building blocks

Deutscher Baukasten, mid-19C German building blocks

The label on the box--hand colored with a faintly gilt embossed border with a touch of verdigris, suggests a date ca. 1850s. 26 rectangular blocks of differing lengths, two curved blocks and three balusters, some with pen marks but otherwise Very Good, including the label. Unmarked, but de-accessioned from the RISD Museum Library--an early example of the popular architectural blocks most often associated with Richter, but manufactured by many makers in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. 

Regular price $125.00 Unit price per