Stub book of burial removal permits for bodies expired and transported on a Western PA section of the Pennsylvania Railroad, 1906-1909
4.25 x 4.5 inches, hardcover boards with exposed spine, cut down to stub size after all permits were issued, interrupting some manuscript text inside the covers, including the beginning of [Pe]nna. R.R. Co. Stub book of 92 Burial Removal Permit slips issued for bodies transported on the Pennsylvania Railroad around the stretch between Johnstown and St. Clair Township. 92 slips issued from January 1, 1906, through March 10, 1909: 33 in 1906; 24 for 1907, 30 for 1908, and 5 in the first three months of 1909.
A portrait in statistics, the decedents include 22 train-related deaths (most often from being struck by one); 5 stillborns and 21 children less than one year old with causes of death ranging from "injuries rec'd at birth" to "marasmus," or malnutrition. 4 killed in general accidents, 2 drownings, 2 frozen to death, 4 unknown proper names. Pneumonia, rickets, convulsions, senility. But, mostly, trains.