1865 Letter to Adolphus H. Smith about his stepmother's imminent death
1865 Letter to Adolphus H. Smith about his stepmother's imminent death
1865 Letter to Adolphus H. Smith about his stepmother's imminent death
[correspondence, A.L.S.]

1865 Letter to Adolphus H. Smith about his stepmother's imminent death

Sabbath Rest, PA: J. H. Smith, February 11, 1865.

Single sheet folded to 8 x 5.5 inches, two pages with writing. In original cover with 3-cent stamp, marked, "In hast." Written to Adolphus H. Smith (full name not on the documents, but gathered from other letters). 

I will drop you a few lines to let you know that Catherine her stepmother is poorly. She took sick last Sabbath last night. We thought she would not live till morning, but she is some better this morning. We do not know if she will get well or not, she thinks she will not get well. You had better make hast (sic) and come home and see her as she would like to see you. She may not live till tomorrow. If you can't come, let us know soon as you can. No mail at present. J.M. Smith.