Two stereoviews: Jacob's Ladder, Havana Glen (NY)
[stereoview] R. D. Crum
Regular price $18.00
A Fire Department in Action (P152-18207)
Regular price $9.00
Regular price $10.00
Doesn't he look sweet? (Universal Photo Art Co. #3210)
Regular price $14.00
Oh! The madam's face in the mirror shows As he beheld the phantom of his own...
[stereoview] B. L. Singley
Regular price $12.00
Sew on Your Own Buttons, I'm Going for a Ride (Keystone View Co. 2332)
B. L. Singley for Keystone View Co. 4218 "Getting His Hair Banged"
Universal Photo Art Co. #4532: McCarthay's Wake, a "free for all"
[stereoview] C. H. Graves
Universal Photo Art Co. #4507 The New Woman Barber
Three [3] bawdy Universal Photo Art Co. photographic stereoview cards
Comic stereoview "The Critic" (Universal Photo Art Co. #4383)
City Street Cleaning Machine (P231-18256)
Regular price $16.00
10586 Old Faithful by Moonlight, Yellowstone National Park [Kilburn stereograph]
Regular price $15.00
12286 Awed with wonder and amazement, Niagara Falls, Winter [Kilburn stereograph]
Keystone Diagnostic Series DB-4C: "Far Point Fusion" (#35096)
Betts Fusion Test 2D; Slide DB-4D (Keystone #35097)
Keystone Telebinocular Tests of Visual Efficiency #10, DB-5K: A Test Showing Involuntary Urge to Fusion Under Partial Dissociation at Reading Distance
Keystone Telebinocular Tests of Visual Efficiency #11, DB-6D: A Test for Stereopsis
Keystone Eye Comfort and Depth-Perception Series E.C. 111-33292: Arranging the Hay on a Wire Sledge, Bavarian Hayfields, Oberammergau, Germany
Keystone Eye Comfort and Depth-Perception Series E.C. 12-30068: In the Hayfields above Oberammergau, Germany
Betts Fusion Test 7F; Slide DB-5F (Keystone #35107)
Betts Fusion Test 7E; Slide DB-5E (Keystone #35106)
Betts Fusion Test 7D; Slide DB-5D (Keystone #35105)
Betts Fusion Test 7B; Slide DB-5B (Keystone #35103)
Keystone Eye Comfort and Depth-Perception Series E.C. 112-33293: A Peaceful Spot in the Ozarks
Regular price $8.00