Handmade Industrial Paper Cutting Dies
Regular price $20.00
The Pocket Lawyer and Family Conveyancer...
[Charles Bell]
Regular price $35.00
Letter to Bunny, who's just got married and is setting up house in Canada
[marriage, correspondence]
Reading and Readers (Home College Series No. 69)
Farrar, H. C.
Rhyming Puzzle Cards
Guide de Bruxelles et de ses environs. Souvenir des Hotels de Belle-Vue et de Flandre. (1886)
Dremel, Edouard
Regular price $24.00
The Observer's Book on Dead Reckoning Navigation
Allan,W.J.D.; William Alexander
Regular price $12.50
Apgar's Plant Analysis, Adapted to Gray's Botanies
[educational ephemera, notebooks] Apgar, E. A. & A. C.
Regular price $25.00
Lillie Sleeps. Respectfully dedicated to Mrs. R. M. Yale
Shillaber, B. P.; Ernest Leslie
Regular price $30.00
1882 - The Excelsior Spelling Blank
[penmanship, spelling blanks]
Regular price $28.00
How to Make Crepe Paper Flowers
[crafts, how-to]
Young Folks' Drawing Book
[advertising ephemera, patent medicine]
1927 invitation to a "miscellaneous shower" with a recipe for Fly Spray
[mounted manuscript leaf]
Regular price $12.00
Two late 19c photographs of couples (cabinet card & RPPC)
Regular price $22.00
Two cabinet photographs of domestic scenes with farm animals
Snapshots of a man on a wagon and two brothers in a field, ca. 1920s
Regular price $15.00
CDV of a girl and tintype of a boy stuck together in a double window mat
Two photographs of a parachute jumper
Exterior photograph of a young man in the doorway of Al's Shoe Repair & Shoe Shine Parlor
[photograph, occupational photography]
Blasting Accessories Price List No. 12 (Aug 1, 1918)
Canadian Explosives Ltd. [ephemera]
How to Obtain Dry Steam
Pond, Frank H. [advertising, trade catalogs, ephemera]
"The Special" Centrifugal Grease Extractor, Specially adapted for marine and stationary condensing engines
[trade catalogs, ephemera]
How to care for your dog: Sergeant's dog book (cover title)
Buckingham, D. E.
The Surface-History of the Earth
Joly, John (1857-1933)
Road Preservation and Dust Prevention
Judson, William Pierson
Introductory Meteorology...
National Research Council (U.S.).; United States Weather Bureau
A Handbook of Physical Diagnosis, Comprising the Throat, Thorax, and Abdomen
Guttman, Paul; Alex Napier (trans.)
The Study and Practice of Yoga
Day, Harvey
Regular price $18.00
Introduction to Physical Science
Gage, A. P.
Regular price $26.00
Modern Painting, Hardwood Finishing and Sign Writing (Modern Painter's Cyclopedia)
Armstrong, Hodgson and Delamotte
Introductory Language Work...
Reed, Alonzo
Handmade book of teacher Ruth Hoffman's sixth grade class reports on George Washington
[student work]
Facial Wrinkles
Richardson, R. A.
Regular price $14.00
Raw Vegetable Juices: What's Missing in Your Body?
Walker, N. W.
Adolphus Horhensee Circular advertisement "4 Thrilling and Inspiring Lectures..."
Adolphus Hohensee (1901-1967)
William Mann leather account book produced for First National Bank, Mt. Pleasant, Pa.
[ephemera, ledger, manuscript notebook] William Mann
Pierce's Memorandum and Account Book...
The ABC of Ford Valve Repairing
[Ford, automotive maintenance]
The ABC of Color: An Elementary Course in Color
Augsburg, D. R.
Two photographs of one & three 3 [young] women
[photographs, women]