Laboratory Apparatus and Chemicals for Chemical, Clinical, Biological, Bacteriological, Metallurgical Laboratories (Catalog E)
Kauffman-Lattimer [trade catalog]
Regular price $85.00
1926-1927 Catalog of Turtox Microscope Slides
Turtox [trade catalog]
Regular price $40.00
Road Preservation and Dust Prevention
Judson, William Pierson
Regular price $30.00
Light and Work: A Discussion of Quality and Quantity of Light
Luckiesh, M.
On Some Properties of the Earth
Reichenbach, O[skar] (1815-1893)
Regular price $75.00
List of Tests (Reactions): Arranged in Alphabetical Order According to the Names of the Originators
Wilder, Hans M.
Introduction to Physical Science
Gage, A. P.
Regular price $26.00
Les eaux souterraines aux epoques anciennes: role qui leur revient dans l'origine et les modifications de la substance de l'écorce terrestre
Daubrée, Auguste
The Theory of Color in Its Relation to Art and Art-Industry
Bezold, Wilhelm von; Edward C. Pickering, S. R. Koehler (trans.)
Bibliothèque des Merveilles: Les Couleurs
Guignet, Charles-Ernest (1829-1906)
Chemistry of Nature
Reid, Hugo
Electricity A Science as a Curative Specific
Brewster, George; A. H. Stevens
A System of Radiography with an Atlas of the Normal
Bruce, W. Ironside (1876-1921)
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Eckels Anatomical Aid, with original chart drawings (Heirloom anatomy guides from a family of undertakers)
Eckels, H. S. [Howard Samuel]
Health and Comfort in House Building...
Drysdale, John; John Williams Hayward
The Crystallography of Hemoglobins.
Reichert, Edward Tyson; Amos Peaslee Brown
The Science of Things Around Us...
Brown, Robert
A Manual on the Seasoning of Indian Timbers
Kapur, S. N. (Dr. Shanker Nath Kapur, 1895-1972)
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Elementi Di Fisica, Parte Prima + Parte Seconda
Crivelli, Giovanni I. (1691-1743)
Tables for the Determination of Minerals
Frazer, Persifor
Fresh Water Sponges: a Monograph [bound with] 5 offprints from “The Microscope”
Potts, Edward; Franz Vejdovsky
Regular price $150.00
Corals and Coral Islands
Dana, Charles
The Forest Pruner: or Timber Owner's Assistant...
Pontey, William
Bausch & Lomb Ophthalmic Reference Book
Bausch & Lomb
A Popular History of British Sea-weeds: Comprising Their Structure, Fructification, Specific Characters, Arrangement, and General Distribution, with Notices of Some of the Fresh-Water Algae
Landsborough, David
Wright, D. A.
Regular price $10.00
The Health Officer
Frank Overton and Willard J. Denno
Dud Dudley's Mettalum Martis; or, Iron Made with Pit-coale, Sea-Coale, &c
Dudley, Dud
Regular price $20.00