Papers on Infant Development
Talbot, Emily (ed). Charles Darwin, A. Bronson Alcott, William T. Harris, William Pryer, F. H. Champneys
Proofs that the Common Theories and Modes of Reasoning Respecting the Depravity of Mankind Exhibit it as a Physical Attribute...
(Tappan, Henry Philip)
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Laboratory Apparatus and Chemicals for Chemical, Clinical, Biological, Bacteriological, Metallurgical Laboratories (Catalog E)
Kauffman-Lattimer [trade catalog]
Regular price $85.00
1926-1927 Catalog of Turtox Microscope Slides
Turtox [trade catalog]
Regular price $40.00
Road Preservation and Dust Prevention
Judson, William Pierson
Regular price $30.00
Light and Work: A Discussion of Quality and Quantity of Light
Luckiesh, M.
On Some Properties of the Earth
Reichenbach, O[skar] (1815-1893)
Regular price $75.00
Introduction to Physical Science
Gage, A. P.
Regular price $26.00
Les eaux souterraines aux epoques anciennes: role qui leur revient dans l'origine et les modifications de la substance de l'écorce terrestre
Daubrée, Auguste
The Theory of Color in Its Relation to Art and Art-Industry
Bezold, Wilhelm von; Edward C. Pickering, S. R. Koehler (trans.)
Chemistry of Nature
Reid, Hugo
A System of Radiography with an Atlas of the Normal
Bruce, W. Ironside (1876-1921)
Regular price $225.00
Eckels Anatomical Aid, with original chart drawings (Heirloom anatomy guides from a family of undertakers)
Eckels, H. S. [Howard Samuel]
Health and Comfort in House Building...
Drysdale, John; John Williams Hayward
The Crystallography of Hemoglobins.
Reichert, Edward Tyson; Amos Peaslee Brown
A Manual on the Seasoning of Indian Timbers
Kapur, S. N. (Dr. Shanker Nath Kapur, 1895-1972)
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Elementi Di Fisica, Parte Prima + Parte Seconda
Crivelli, Giovanni I. (1691-1743)
Fresh Water Sponges: a Monograph [bound with] 5 offprints from “The Microscope”
Potts, Edward; Franz Vejdovsky
Bausch & Lomb Ophthalmic Reference Book
Bausch & Lomb
Wright, D. A.
Regular price $10.00
The Health Officer
Frank Overton and Willard J. Denno
Dud Dudley's Mettalum Martis; or, Iron Made with Pit-coale, Sea-Coale, &c
Dudley, Dud
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