The British Journal Photographic Almanac and Photographer's Daily Companion 1920
[trade catalogs, photography]
Regular price $75.00
Specimen photo, "Prescriptions" trade sign
Regular price $60.00
Studio photograph of an actress
Regular price $85.00
The "Wellcome" Photographic Exposure Calculator Handbook and Diary, 1931
[photography, ephemera] Burroughs Wellcome & Co.
Teenage girl's vernacular photo album of multigenerational women in California ca. 1955
[vernacular photography, photo albums, women]
Regular price $250.00
Two disintegrating tintype portraits of women, ca. 1880s
Tintype & RPPC of two pairs of sisters, ca. 1870s-1880s
Regular price $40.00
Snapshots of a man on a wagon and two brothers in a field, ca. 1920s
Regular price $15.00
Two photographs of men hiding in foliage, ca. 1890-1910
Cabinet cards of two women with their eyes
Regular price $25.00
Tintype of a girl and CDV of a boy holding --
Regular price $50.00
Two cabinet photographs with young children holding things at chest height
Two cabinet photographs of domestic scenes with farm animals
Regular price $30.00
Two cabinet photographs of families set outside
Regular price $20.00
Two late 19c photographs of couples (cabinet card & RPPC)
Regular price $22.00
Two tintypes of married couples
CDV of a girl and tintype of a boy stuck together in a double window mat
Two tintype portraits of boys with rosy cheeks
Regular price $65.00
Cabinet card and CDV of two wide-eyed men
Wind mill on the home farm, Sept. 1897 (photograph with visible Aermotor Co., Chicago sign)
[photography, agriculture, advertising]
Regular price $150.00
U.S. Forest Service photographs of training for smokejumpers
[photographs] Steuerwald, W. E.; US National Forest Service
Regular price $100.00
Two photographs of a parachute jumper
Regular price $35.00
WWI camouflaged artillery in Koblenz, Germany, June 6 1919
[photography, WWI]
Twelve shipyard snapshots, 1953
[vernacular photography]
Regular price $38.00
Gallatin Bottling Co. shop display ft. Dodge Brothers Business Car and soda pops (Donora, Pa., ca. 1920s)
[photography, architecture, advertising]
Photograph of seven young men, "P. & A .Tel. Co. Bug Hunters" (RPPC)
[photograph, RPPC]
The Pittsburg Leader - Photograph of 23 newsboys, ca. 1880-1890s
[occupational photography, child labor]
White Oak Milling Co. / Gold Medal Flour advertising barn with horse-drawn wagon, ca. 1908
Regular price $225.00
Occupational portrait of sixteen men, two with "Little Minister" caps
[occupational photography]
Occupational portrait of nine carpenters and a child
Occupational portrait of nine farriers, a horse's rear, and a child in the shadows, ca. 1900
Exterior photograph of a young man in the doorway of Al's Shoe Repair & Shoe Shine Parlor
[photograph, occupational photography]
Photograph of a cobbler at the repair counter, ca. 1930s
Large photograph inside the W. W. Waltke Co., St. Louis ca. 1900, soap displays and working women
Narrow portrait of a woman in a paper/card mount
[photographs, women]
Regular price $12.00
Two photographs of one & three 3 [young] women
Tintype of a woman with pockets
Large cabinet photo of a nobly aloof man in short-shorts on roller skates
Press photograph of two men and a boy inspecting a wrecked car (with publication markups)
Regular price $45.00
Associated Press photograph of firefighters carrying a woman and child from unspecified disaster (with publication markups)