Anonymous letter to a dying man's "tormentor" wife: "Are you not afraid that people will brand you as his murderess"
[women, threats]
Legitimate Influence of Epilepsy Upon Criminal Responsibility
Clymer, Meredith
Collection of late-19c manuscript copies of home health remedies ALS to a woman from her sister suggesting treatments for asthma and dropsy copied (without attribution) from popular medicine handbooks
[quackery, patent medicine, home remedies]
ALS to John Henry Hedley about his alcoholic father and "martyr" mother's plight
[alcoholism, family dynamics]
Complete Catalogue of the Products of the Laboratories of Parke, Davis & Co. Detroit, Mich., U. S. A. Revised to April, 1920.
[trade catalog, Aleister Crowley interest]
An Inquiry Into the Alleged Tendency of the Separation of Convicts, One From the Other, to Produce Disease and Derangement
[prison reform] (Packard, Frederic Adolphus, "A Citizen of Pennsylvania)
A Digest of Current Orders and Decisions; With extracts from Army regulations, relating to the Medical Corps of the U.S. Army; compiled under direction of the Surgeon-General.
Greenleaf, Charles R.
Regular price $225.00
1926-1927 Catalog of Turtox Microscope Slides
Turtox [trade catalog]
Regular price $40.00
Woman in Health and Sickness: What She Ought to Know for the Exigencies of Daily Life
Bell, Robert
Health and Efficiency (later published as 'Maintaining Health')
Alsaker, Rasmus Larssen
Regular price $60.00
Facial Wrinkles
Richardson, R. A.
Regular price $14.00
Raw Vegetable Juices: What's Missing in Your Body?
Walker, N. W.
Regular price $12.00
Five issues of The Journal of Drugless Physicians, 1939-1940
Gershanek, Sinai (ed.); D. K. Kallan (ass. ed.)
Regular price $75.00
United States Medicine Company: Our Great War Offer! A Splendid Chance to Make Money (drop title)
United States Medicine Company (Dunlop, Clark W.) [quakery, patent medicine]
Stereoscopic Studies of Anatomy, Prepared under authority of the University of Edinburgh. Section 2: Central Nervous System
Cunningham, D. J.; David Waterston, M. H. Cryer, Frederick Neres (eds.)
Regular price $120.00
(Anatomically) Classified Indian Club Exercises and Drills: for the gymnasium, school room and individual
Jones, A. K.
Regular price $80.00
Home Gymnastics for the Well and the Sick
Angerstein, E[duard Ferdinand] & G[ebhard] Eckler (eds.)
Vitalic Breathing: The Miracle to Air Discovery
Gaines, Thomas
Box of 51 nature specimen cards compiled by pharmacy student Howard C. Burns
[medicine, herbarium]
Photographs of orthopedic-related medical research in Japan, 1962, including deformity and disease in children potentially related to radiation exposure and the atomic bomb
[medicine, surgery]
Perfect Health Based on Science and Experience (cover title: ...How Attained and Maintained)
Ries, W. F.
The Palmer Limbs 1870 order form ("No. 1 - Measures for a Leg...")
B. Frank Palmer [medical ephemera, surgery, prosthetics]
Sexualité de la femme
Bonaparte, Marie
The Great Imitator (with printed letter from Surgeon General Thomas Parran)
(Thomas Parran, American Social Hygiene Association) [syphilis]
Regular price $100.00
Anatomy for the Anesthesiologist: A Stereoscopic Atlas
Dornette, William H.
Physical Culture, May 1948 Vol 92, No. 4 (Magazine)
Macfadden, Bernarr; Ange Brashing
Strength and Health for July, 1947 (Magazine)
Bob Hoffman (ed.), Steve Stanko, Gord Venables, et al.
Muscle Builder Vol. V No. 3, May 1926 "Muscles that Heroes Are Made Of" (Magazine)
Macfadden, Bernarr
Personal photograph album and scrapbook of 1950s bodybuilder Alex Pilin
[vernacular photography, physique photos, physical culture, bodybuilding]
Metaphysics of Raw Foods
McDermott, Stella
Le diagnostic du tempérament par la morphologie
Corman, Dr. Louis
The Aseptic Treatment of Wounds
Walter, Carl W.; Mildred B. Codding (illus.)
Principles Of Roentgenological Interpretation
Sante, L. R.
Regular price $30.00
Applied Anatomy and Kinesiology
Bowen, Wilbur Pardon; Boughner and Rynearson
A System of Radiography with an Atlas of the Normal
Bruce, W. Ironside (1876-1921)
Eckels Anatomical Aid, with original chart drawings (Heirloom anatomy guides from a family of undertakers)
Eckels, H. S. [Howard Samuel]
On Radiation: The "Rede" Lecture, Delivered in the Senate House, Before the University of Cambridge, England, on Tuesday, May 16, 1865
Tyndall, John
Regular price $22.00
The Crystallography of Hemoglobins.
Reichert, Edward Tyson; Amos Peaslee Brown
Plain Directions for Accidents, Emergencies, and Poisons, and Care of the Sick
Turner, Alexander Paul (1840-1892) "Fellow of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia"
The Health Officer
Frank Overton and Willard J. Denno
Regular price $26.00