Meubles et Objets Divers No. 7, Ameublement, fin du XII Siècle (single plate from 'Les Arts Somptuaires')
Regular price $24.00
Figure de la Grande Babylone, XI Siècle (single plate from 'Les Arts Somptuaires')
Homme Noble, XII Siècle (single plate from 'Les Arts Somptuaires')
Photograph of an Androgynous Ballerina in Costume
Regular price $45.00
Animal "Designs and Pictures for Slate Drawing" Trade Card for businesses in Mount Vernon, NY
Regular price $15.00
Helice / cylinder - 2 mechanical drawings, double-sided
Regular price $100.00
Moyen approché de déterminer l'ombre d'une sphère (2)
Dalles carrés - tesselation perspective (double-sided)
Regular price $85.00
Application du point accidentel - perspective (double-sided)
Reflexion dans l'eau [et] Perspective aerienne
Regular price $75.00
Les Cavaliers de L'Apocalypse (single plate from 'Les Arts Somptuaires')
"Saved from Lion's Jaws" Press photo of model Nell Theobald bitten by lion
Regular price $60.00
Fine Photographs of… Maligne the magnificent
Regular price $40.00
Wurzburger Kirchen. 12 der schönsten Original-Aufnahmen (Serie III) [Photographs of churches]
Regular price $16.00
Portrait of a promising young man from Oil City, PA
Regular price $4.00
Photograph of a woman & child
Regular price $3.00
Keystone Diagnostic Series DB-4C: "Far Point Fusion" (#35096)
Regular price $10.00
Betts Fusion Test 2D; Slide DB-4D (Keystone #35097)
Keystone Telebinocular Tests of Visual Efficiency #10, DB-5K: A Test Showing Involuntary Urge to Fusion Under Partial Dissociation at Reading Distance
Keystone Telebinocular Tests of Visual Efficiency #11, DB-6D: A Test for Stereopsis
Regular price $18.00
Keystone Eye Comfort and Depth-Perception Series E.C. 111-33292: Arranging the Hay on a Wire Sledge, Bavarian Hayfields, Oberammergau, Germany
Regular price $9.00
Keystone Eye Comfort and Depth-Perception Series E.C. 12-30068: In the Hayfields above Oberammergau, Germany
Betts Fusion Test 7F; Slide DB-5F (Keystone #35107)
Betts Fusion Test 7E; Slide DB-5E (Keystone #35106)
Betts Fusion Test 7D; Slide DB-5D (Keystone #35105)
Fearey's Albany Shoes trade card, ca. 1890
Regular price $11.50
Betts Fusion Test 7B; Slide DB-5B (Keystone #35103)
Keystone Eye Comfort and Depth-Perception Series E.C. 112-33293: A Peaceful Spot in the Ozarks
Regular price $8.00