Album Amicorum (1840s)
Album Amicorum (1840s)
Album Amicorum (1840s)

Album Amicorum (1840s)

1840s Album Amicorum with 40 loose slips; twenty inscribed (some on both sides) and 20 blank. Slipcase and box lined in that fashionable and suspicious shade of emerald green and of the right period to be arsenical (untested). Messages are written in French and German, many from Offenburg and Pensionnat du Fribourg, a boarding school in Switzerland. Dates range from 1840-1848. Faint inscription on box end “Marie [Scuben?]”. Many names are difficult to decipher, but entrants include: Anna Luinmannn, Matilde Hägi, Mathilde Dilzer, M. Schwelin, Stigler, Stephanie Holzer, Lärdner, B. Zollmann, Therese Kuenzer, Anna Herfeldt, Emma Kling, Julius Stuber (Carlsenbad, 1840), Sophie Griessinger de Mulhouse.

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