The Painter System of Correlated Writing and Spelling
The Painter System of Correlated Writing and Spelling
The Painter System of Correlated Writing and Spelling
The Painter System of Correlated Writing and Spelling
Painter, W. C. [penmanship]

The Painter System of Correlated Writing and Spelling

First Edition. Wilkinsburg, PA: W. C. Painter, 1934.

Oblong 8vo, 8pp. Light soil ang gentle handling wear. A compact manual that teaches penmanship in the style of the Palmer method and uses the names of people and places from current events, including Hoover, Ford, Guam--and some odd choices like "Nome". Signed and dated on the cover Audrey Pedder, Grade 8, 1946. Marked by inconsistent capitalization and dotting of i's, a small self-published work from just outside of Pittsburgh. No copies in OCLC.

Regular price $28.00 Unit price per