"The Special" Centrifugal Grease Extractor, Specially adapted for marine and stationary condensing engines
[trade catalogs, ephemera]
Regular price $30.00
Cramp's Gear Bronzes (Wm. Cramp & Sons Shipbuilding Co)
Wm. Cramp & Sons [tools, advertising, trade catalogs, ephemera]
Regular price $75.00
Simonds Saws and Machine Knives for Mill and Shop, Catalog No. 131
Simonds Saw and Steel Co. [tools, advertising, trade catalogs, ephemera]
Regular price $85.00
Macklin Grinding Wheels: Protect your Production (cover title)
Macklin Co. [trade catalogs, advertising]
Hartzell Fans and Blowers bound bulletins no. 1001, 1102, 1202, 1302, 1402, 1602, 1701, 1902 (A.I.A. File No. 30-D-1)
[trade catalogs, advertising]
Regular price $45.00
How to care for your dog: Sergeant's dog book (cover title)
Buckingham, D. E.
Regular price $22.00
Lincoln Iron Works (trade catalog) Jobbers of Wrought Iron and Steel Pipe, Plumbing and Heating Specialties, Rutland, VT
[trade catalog]
Regular price $50.00
H. C. Bohack Co., Inc. Diary, Household Helps 1930 (cover title)
H. C. Bohack [advertising, stationery]
Regular price $60.00
The Widowhood Book
Osman, C. A. E. (ed.)
Health and Efficiency (later published as 'Maintaining Health')
Alsaker, Rasmus Larssen
Road Preservation and Dust Prevention
Judson, William Pierson
Introductory Meteorology...
National Research Council (U.S.).; United States Weather Bureau
Regular price $35.00
The Surface-History of the Earth
Joly, John (1857-1933)
Regular price $24.00
On Some Properties of the Earth
Reichenbach, O[skar] (1815-1893)
Selves and Their Good (with note)
Wodehouse, Helen (1880-1964)
Facial Wrinkles
Richardson, R. A.
Regular price $14.00
Raw Vegetable Juices: What's Missing in Your Body?
Walker, N. W.
Regular price $12.00
Five issues of The Journal of Drugless Physicians, 1939-1940
Gershanek, Sinai (ed.); D. K. Kallan (ass. ed.)
Adolphus Horhensee Circular advertisement "4 Thrilling and Inspiring Lectures..."
Adolphus Hohensee (1901-1967)
Six Hundred [600] Ways to Get Rich When Your Pockets are Empty...
[quackery, hucksters] M. Young
Regular price $80.00
Conference Notebook "Building Your Management Team" The Management Training Department, General Extension Services, The Pennsylvania State College (cover title)
[railroad, corporate training]
William Mann leather account book produced for First National Bank, Mt. Pleasant, Pa.
[ephemera, ledger, manuscript notebook] William Mann
Regular price $25.00
Pierce's Memorandum and Account Book...
Regular price $15.00
Prindle's Almanac for the Year of Our Lord 1850
Prindle, Charles
Regular price $36.00
Stereoscopic Studies of Anatomy, Prepared under authority of the University of Edinburgh. Section 2: Central Nervous System
Cunningham, D. J.; David Waterston, M. H. Cryer, Frederick Neres (eds.)
Regular price $120.00
The ABC of Ford Valve Repairing
[Ford, automotive maintenance]
The ABC of Color: An Elementary Course in Color
Augsburg, D. R.
A Manual of Clay-Modelling for Teachers and Scholars
Unwin, Mary Louisa Hermione; T. G. Rooper (pref.)
(Anatomically) Classified Indian Club Exercises and Drills: for the gymnasium, school room and individual
Jones, A. K.
WWI A.E.F. Air Service Boxing broadside & match ticket, 2nd Aviation Instruction Center, Tours, France
[WWI, military]
Regular price $725.00
Narrow portrait of a woman in a paper/card mount
[photographs, women]
Two photographs of one & three 3 [young] women
Regular price $20.00
Tintype of a woman with pockets
1927 invitation to a "miscellaneous shower" with a recipe for Fly Spray
[mounted manuscript leaf]
1968-1970 Angel's scrapbook of school papers, arts, crafts and photos from Kindergarten to Grade 3
[scrapbook, child art, ephemera]
1953-1957 Scrap Book assembled by Marilyn Potts while studying at Mount Union College
[scrapbook, young women, ephemera]
Regular price $62.00
Framed oval crayon portrait of a young man about to say something
1946 letter from an Army recruit (Green Beret?) in Virginia
[correspondence, A.L.S.]
1916 "few lines to let you know I am not dead"
1915 "Initial Crotchet Co." A.L.S. from woman advertising "quilt kit" type offering
[correspondence, advertising, quilt kits]