Universal Photo Art Co. #4532: McCarthay's Wake, a "free for all"
Universal Photo Art Co. #4532: McCarthay's Wake, a "free for all"
[stereoview] C. H. Graves

Universal Photo Art Co. #4532: McCarthay's Wake, a "free for all"

Philadelphia: C. H. Graves, 1897.

Albumen photograph on standard size stereoview card, 3.5 x 7 inches. Very Good with light general soil and surface wear, the usual slight curve. Graves had quite the empire of stereoview series, many focused on regional scenery or historical art. He also published a number of comical, often bawdy stereoviews. This one is pure mischief, poking fun at the traditional Irish wake featuring several women and lots of fisticuffs. Great expressions.

Regular price $14.00 Unit price per