The Delinquent Girl and Woman: Proceedings of a Conference of the National Committee on Prisons and Prison Labor; February 3, 1919. (Prison Leaflets 48)
The Delinquent Girl and Woman: Proceedings of a Conference of the National Committee on Prisons and Prison Labor; February 3, 1919. (Prison Leaflets 48)
The Delinquent Girl and Woman: Proceedings of a Conference of the National Committee on Prisons and Prison Labor; February 3, 1919. (Prison Leaflets 48)
The Delinquent Girl and Woman: Proceedings of a Conference of the National Committee on Prisons and Prison Labor; February 3, 1919. (Prison Leaflets 48)
The Delinquent Girl and Woman: Proceedings of a Conference of the National Committee on Prisons and Prison Labor; February 3, 1919. (Prison Leaflets 48)
The Delinquent Girl and Woman: Proceedings of a Conference of the National Committee on Prisons and Prison Labor; February 3, 1919. (Prison Leaflets 48)
[prison reform]

The Delinquent Girl and Woman: Proceedings of a Conference of the National Committee on Prisons and Prison Labor; February 3, 1919. (Prison Leaflets 48)

New York: National Committee on Prisons and Prison Labor, 1919.

Printed wraps, 8vo, 31pp. Very Good with mild soil and discoloration to wraps, 2-inch split at the bottom spine crease; contents with two instances of marking, "...Conference for Social Service" written on cover; overall crisp and clean. 3 copies in OCLC. Published on the cusp of women's suffrage, the articles include considerations of women's new political equality and civic responsibility, that women should not be relegated to doing the domestic labor of men's prisons and deserve industrial training of their own, and perspectives on what "reform" looks like for the girls and women re-entering a changed society.

"Address by the chairman" by Miss Helen Varick Boswell, extension secretary, Women's Organizations, League to Enforce Peace 
"Preparing delinquent women for the new citizenship" by Dr. Mary B. Harris, superintendent, New Jersey Reformatory for Women 
"The training of delinquent girls" by Mrs. Jennie A. Griffith, superintendent, National Training School for Girls, Washington, D.C.
"Industrial training for women prisoners" by Mrs. Jessie D. Hodder, superintendent, Massachusetts Reformatory for Women
"Social readjustment as the function of the judge" by Mrs. Jane Deeter Rippin, director, Law Enforcement Division, Section on Women and Girls, Commission on Training Camp Activities.

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